The Comprehensive Guide to Concert-Going Part 3: General Concert Etiquette

Hi and welcome to my third installment in my mini-series of information about going to music concerts. I wanted to make these posts aimed towards new concert-goers or for people who are looking to improve their own concert experience. You can check out my first two posts here and here to learn about getting the best spots on the floor and best tickets, and also to learn more about mosh pits and how to be safe around them. This post I wanted to sum up a lot of little things that go on at concerts and are some things you might not realize happen if you have never been to a concert before. Merch (i.e. merchandise) etiquette : Try to find where the line roughly is. Try not to cut, but it does happen. Know what you want before you get up there and have your money ready. (It helps to bring different size dollar bills so that you can do exact money and not have to have change counted back to you.) Merch guys are typically pretty crabby in my experie...